To strike or not to strike: Union counting votes on Viterra’s latest offer

To strike or not to strike: Union counting votes on Viterra’s latest offer

Jan 19, 2024 | 10:10am
The union which represents about 436 Viterra employees is counting members votes Friday on accepting or rejecting the company’s latest offer. Negotiations for a new deal between the General and Grain Services Union Locals 1 & 2 and Viterra Canada Inc have been ongoing for over a year, but stalled over wages, a better work-life […]
The ball is in union members’ court as they review Viterra’s final offer

The ball is in union members’ court as they review Viterra’s final offer

Jan 5, 2024 | 7:38pm
Farmers who do business with Viterra may be breathing a sigh of relief. Late Thursday evening, Viterra presented its final offer to the Grain and General Services Union (GSU) Locals 1 & 2, which represents 436 employees. On Friday, Union officers gathered to review details of the offer and decided “it is in the best […]
A new final offer made by Viterra after late night negotiations with GSU officials

A new final offer made by Viterra after late night negotiations with GSU officials

Jan 5, 2024 | 8:44am
After prolonged negotiations, Viterra unveiled a new Final Offer to the GSU bargaining committee following the rejection of the initial proposal in November 2023. A meeting with the elected officers of Locals 1 and 2 is set for today at 9:30 a.m., to review the details of this latest proposal. As the situation unfolds, stay […]