Durum wheat

Stats Canada survey says farmers intend on planting more pulses this year

Stats Canada survey says farmers intend on planting more pulses this year

Mar 11, 2024 | 5:03pm
Statistics Canada released results of a survey asking what farmers intend to seed this season. The 2024 seeding intentions for principal field crops surveyed 3,239 Saskatchewan farmers between December 14th to January 22nd. Farmers plan on seeding more durum wheat, lentils, dry field peas, oats, and canary seed, but less canola, spring wheat, barley, mustard […]
Durum prices may not rise to 2021 levels: Market Analyst

Durum prices may not rise to 2021 levels: Market Analyst

Aug 10, 2023 | 5:24pm
A Chief Market Analyst with Grain Fox believes durum wheat prices won’t spike to 20 dollars a bushel like they did in 2021. Neil Townsend could see durum trade around 15 dollars, but it largely depends on demand around the world. “There’s a big shortage in Tunisia, tight situation in Algeria, big shortage in Morocco, […]
Quantity and Quality of Durum Wheat a concern

Quantity and Quality of Durum Wheat a concern

Aug 9, 2023 | 4:55pm
Durum wheat is going to be at a premium. It appears highly unlikely that this year’s durum crop in Canada and the U.S. will be large enough to meet the demands of the countries that normally import durum for their pasta needs. In the July 12 Crop Production report, USDA said durum production in 2023 was […]