B.C. ports

Grain movement will likely be impacted as B.C. ports start clearing backlog

Grain movement will likely be impacted as B.C. ports start clearing backlog

Aug 1, 2023 | 2:14pm
Grain movement at Canada’s west coast ports wasn’t seriously impacted by the British Columbia port workers strike last month. But the next few months might be a different story.  Mark Hemmes is the President of Quorum Corporation.  Quorum tracks grain movement in the country.   He says the volume of grain that has been moving recently […]
Western Canadian Wheat Growers Association keeping tabs on potential strike at B.C. ports

Western Canadian Wheat Growers Association keeping tabs on potential strike at B.C. ports

Jun 29, 2023 | 5:05pm
A potential strike of B.C. port workers is looming. Yesterday (Wed), members of the International Longshore and Warehouse Union voted in favour of strike action and could walk off the job on Saturday, if a deal can’t be reached with the B.C. Maritime Employers Association. The potential strike would affect about 7,400 workers and 49 […]