Todd Lewis

Some farmers embracing the heat, others may be concerned

Some farmers embracing the heat, others may be concerned

Jul 11, 2024 | 4:47pm
Depending on the farmer, they’re either welcoming the hot weather or are a bit concerned. Vice-President of the Canadian Federation of Agriculture Todd Lewis farms near Gray, south of Regina. He says he finished spraying fungicide on his lentils and canary seed and some spraying for fusarium head blight on his durum wheat. His crops […]
Vice-President of CFA Paying Attention to various ag issues as Parliament resumes

Vice-President of CFA Paying Attention to various ag issues as Parliament resumes

Sep 18, 2023 | 4:54pm
Like back to school for kids, it’s back to Parliament for politicians from all political stripes. Today (Monday) was the first day of the fall session for MP’s. From an agricultural perspective, what’s old is new again as it’ll be Lawrence MacAulay’s first sitting as Federal Agriculture Minister since he replaced Marie-Claude Bibeau. Vice President of the Canadian Federation […]
Farm leaders 50 percent done harvest, yields average to “a little” above average

Farm leaders 50 percent done harvest, yields average to “a little” above average

Sep 12, 2023 | 3:50pm
Farm group leaders are not only in charge of their respective organizations, but are also producers themselves. The Chairperson of the Saskatchewan Wheat Development Commission Brett Halstead farms in the Nokomis area, north of Regina. Vice President of the Canadian Federation of Agriculture Todd Lewis farms near the hamlet of Gray, south of the Queen […]