Manitoba Ag News

Manitoba crop conditions range from fair to mostly good: Crop Report

Manitoba crop conditions range from fair to mostly good: Crop Report

Aug 9, 2023 | 4:28pm
From this week’s Manitoba Crop Report. Harvesting of winter wheat and fall rye continued over the past week.  Harvest in the Dauphin and Swan Valley area is approximately 80% complete. Early yield reports on winter wheat were averaging around 65 bushels an acre. Most spring cereal crops are in the intermediate to hard dough stage.     Overall, […]
Another funding announcement from Federal, Manitoba Governments

Another funding announcement from Federal, Manitoba Governments

Aug 3, 2023 | 5:00pm
A major cash injection for Manitoba Beef and Forage Initiatives. The federal and Manitoba governments announce up to $2.85 million over the next five years. MBFI is a collaboration between Manitoba Beef Producers, Ducks Unlimited Canada and Manitoba Agriculture to undertake beef and forage research and demonstration trials to support increased profitability and environmental sustainability in […]
Manitoba pork industry growing: Economic Report

Manitoba pork industry growing: Economic Report

Aug 3, 2023 | 4:58pm
Manitoba Pork has released the details of a new economic analysis of the hog sector in the province. The report indicates 55% of all agriculture and food processing jobs in Manitoba are tied to the hog sector, and the sector contributes 22,000 jobs across Manitoba in both urban and rural communities. The economic analysis report […]
Manitoba improving Crown Land Lease and Permit Regulations

Manitoba improving Crown Land Lease and Permit Regulations

Aug 2, 2023 | 5:31pm
Manitoba Agriculture Minister Derek Johnson has announced changes to the Agricultural Crown Lands Leases and Permits Regulation. The program is designed to support improving forage productivity, growing the livestock industry and advancing sustainability. Johnson says after a 45-day public comment period the province is revising the Agricultural Crown Lands Leases and Permits Regulation to improve the […]