Provincial News

Crops are feeling the heat, but still in good to fair condition

Crops are feeling the heat, but still in good to fair condition

Jul 25, 2024 | 3:49pm
Another week of heat and little rainfall is causing crop conditions to decline, but producers say they are still better compared to recent growing seasons. But if the heat persists, crops will continue to decline and yield potential will fall. The Provincial Crop Report, released Thursday morning, suggests most crops are in good to fair […]
Ag in Motion: new benchmark for exhibitors, more international guests visiting

Ag in Motion: new benchmark for exhibitors, more international guests visiting

Jul 25, 2024 | 2:41pm
The tenth edition of Ag in Motion is in the books, and numbers provided by organizers suggest it continues to grow. Exhibitors hit an all-time high of 607 at the three-day show near Langham and attendance was on par with previous years at 30,805. “Not only was there opportunities for farmers to talk with their […]
Crops catching up to their normal stages of development

Crops catching up to their normal stages of development

Jul 18, 2024 | 11:06am
A week of warmer weather and reduced rainfall has accelerated crop advancement and enabled haying operations to progress throughout the province. With the forecasted heat over the next week many regions are hoping for moisture to help support crop development, reduce crop stress and sustain topsoil moisture conditions. Many areas across the province received reduced […]
SaskWater 2023-24 Report: collaborates with WSA on irrigation expansion, highlights other water-related projects

SaskWater 2023-24 Report: collaborates with WSA on irrigation expansion, highlights other water-related projects

Jul 14, 2024 | 10:11am
In its annual report for the fiscal year 2023-24, SaskWater reported a net income of $8.7-million, an increase of $100-thousand from the previous year. The Crown Corporation had a few highlights during the year. Of the $87-million in capital projects invested in, the most significant was the Regina Regional Non-potable Water Supply System, which SaskWater […]
Farmers getting less, and consumers paying more: APAS

Farmers getting less, and consumers paying more: APAS

Jun 14, 2024 | 9:44am
REGINA — Farmers are getting less while consumers are paying more. This is the key finding of the Agricultural Producers Association of Saskatchewan’s 2024 Farmers and Food Prices report. This year’s update highlights a concerning trend: farmers are receiving lower prices for their commodities at the same time as consumers are shelling out for higher […]
Canadian Western Agribition Launches Volunteer Campaign

Canadian Western Agribition Launches Volunteer Campaign

May 30, 2024 | 1:33pm
The search for volunteers is on for Canadian Western Agribition (CWA). In partnership with SaskEnergy, CWA launched its 2024 recruitment campaign for volunteers with a new incentive program.  Starting this year, new volunteers will be entered into a draw to win two tickets and a meet-and-greet with a superstar performer. Volunteers could win a chance […]
Provincial government highlighting mining sector this week

Provincial government highlighting mining sector this week

May 27, 2024 | 4:09pm
The Saskatchewan Government is putting a spotlight on the mining industry this week. Now until Saturday is Mining Week in Saskatchewan. This year’s theme is “Critical Careers for Critical Minerals”. According to the provincial government, $13-billion in mineral sales were made last year and estimate mineral resource development spending will reach nearly $6-billion this year. […]
Moe talks trade, sustainability at Food Fuel Fertilizer summit

Moe talks trade, sustainability at Food Fuel Fertilizer summit

May 6, 2024 | 3:28pm
 Premier Scott Moe’s message was a familiar one to those attending the Food Fuel Fertilizer Global Summit put on by Saskatchewan Chamber of Commerce. Moe’s message to the pro-business audience at the Delta Hotel on Monday was one that touted the trade and export efforts of Saskatchewan on the world stage, as he pointed out […]
Rumors of FCC leaving Sask. surprises political leaders

Rumors of FCC leaving Sask. surprises political leaders

May 2, 2024 | 1:40pm
 The Legislature was in full reaction mode to speculation on Thursday that Farm Credit Canada might be about to move its head office out of Saskatchewan. The issue was raised in the Legislative Assembly by Sask United Leader Nadine Wilson, with her party putting out a statement that claimed that “multiple high-level sources have told Sask […]
Farm groups raise concerns over Bunge and Viterra merger

Farm groups raise concerns over Bunge and Viterra merger

Apr 30, 2024 | 10:26am
Four agriculture groups are raising concerns over the proposed Bunge and Viterra merger. The Agricultural Producers Association of Saskatchewan (APAS), Alberta Grains, SaskBarley, and Sask Wheat raised concerns about the merger, believing it would result in economic losses for producers. A recent study by Dr. Richard Gray, Dr. James Nolan, and Dr. Peter Slade from […]