Cattle prices in the province were mixed or trending down last week, according to the latest Cattle Market Update from Canfax.
Three steer weight categories had week-over-week decreases as well as two heifer weight categories. Prices ranged from $308.17 per cwt in the 900+ lb steer weight category up to $417.10 per cwt in the 400-500 lb category. The 500-600 lb steers had the largest decrease at $30.25 to an average price of $400.75. The 900+ lb category had the largest increase among steers at $12.09.
On the heifer side, prices ranged from $319.88 per cwt in the 700-800 lb heifer category to $403.94 per cwt in the 400-500 lb weight category. The largest price decline was in the 600-700 lb category at $5.13 to average $343.75 per cwt; the largest increase was in the 400-500 lb category at $8.95.
Some of the other weight categories for steers and heifers were not available due to a lack of sufficient data.

There were 10,355 head of cattle marketed in the province, down from the 13,353 marketed the previous week. Year-to-date, the volume of feeder cattle marketed in Saskatchewan is at 154,930 head, down 19 percent from the same period in 2023.
Provincial Cattle Specialist Fonda Froats says the market was going in opposite directions. “Some of the factors impacting prices were declines in the futures market and weather in the west, which resulted in poor pen conditions, but on the positive side, there was opportunity and demand from the U.S. and eastern buyers.”
By comparison, Alberta cattle prices were higher for the week ending May 3. D2 cows averaged $180.55 per cwt, a price increase of $1.72 per cwt above the previous week. The price of D3 cows increased $2.66 per cwt over the week to average $163.98 per cwt.
The Canfax price for Alberta fed steers for the week ending May 3 was $257.69 per cwt, a price decrease of $0.24 per cwt from the previous week.