Major Canadian Railways Have Difficulty Meeting Grain Delivery Demands in Week 25

CN and CPKC Rail supplied a combined 59% of hopper cars ordered in grain week 25, a steep decline from the 88% order fulfillment performance seen in week 24. 

The decline in performance reflects a significant decline in performance for each of CN and CPKC. 

In supplying 54% of cars ordered by shippers in week 25, CN saw performance dip from the 85% order fulfillment performance they posted in week 24. 

CN performance remains below the 90% performance threshold for the third straight week. 

For CN this represents the worst one week performance seen since week 22 of the prior grain year (Dec. 2022). 

CPKC performance also declined steeply with the railway supplying 65% of shipper orders in week 25, down from the 91% order fulfillment performance posted in week 24. 

CPKC performance falls below the 90% threshold for the first time in 14 weeks. 

For CPKC this represents the worst one week performance since week 30 of the prior grain year (Feb 2023).

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