Railways Provided Canadian Farmers with Good Service Last Week: Ag Transport Coalition

CN and CPKC Rail supplied a combined 95% of hopper cars ordered in grain week 19, a modest increase from the 94% order fulfillment performance seen the previous week. 

The improvement in performance reflects improved performance for CN and a decline in performance for CPKC. 

In supplying 98% of cars ordered by shippers in week 19 CN saw performance improve notably from the 89% order fulfillment performance they posted in week 18. 

CN performance returns above the 90% performance threshold for the third time in the last four weeks after falling below that threshold the previous week. 

CPKC performance declined from the prior week with the railway supplying 93% of shipper orders in week 19 – a decline from the 98% order fulfillment performance posted the previous week. 

CPKC performance remains above the 90% threshold for the 8th consecutive week. 

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