Grain Delivery by One of Canada’s Two Major Railways Declines Slightly: Ag Transport Coalition

CN and CPKC Rail supplied a combined 94% of hopper cars ordered in grain week 18, a modest decline from the 96% order fulfillment performance seen the previous week and having now declined for two consecutive weeks. 

The decline in performance reflects a deterioration in performance for CN – for a second straight week – and no change for CPKC. 

In supplying 89% of cars ordered by shippers in week 18 CN saw performance decline from the 93% order fulfillment performance they posted inweek 17. 

CN performance falls below the 90% performance threshold for the first time in three weeks and the 2nd time in the last four weeks. 

CPKC performance was unchanged from the prior week with the railway supplying 98% of shipper orders in week 18. 

CPKC performance remains above the 90% threshold for the 7th consecutive week having averaged 97% order fulfillment on a weekly basis over the course of that 7 week period. 

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