The Wheat Growers want to know where members stand on proposed Viterra-Bunge Merger

The Western Canadian Wheat Growers Association wants to hear thoughts from members about the proposed merger between Viterra and Bunge.

The merger, announced earlier this year, is currently under review from the federal government as well as the Competition Bureau.

President of the Wheat Growers Gunter Jochum says the survey – sent to members by email – simply asks if members are in favour of the merger or against, and why.

Jochum says what they do with the results will depend on feedback from members. He says if there is a strong response to either side, the Wheat Growers will write a letter to the Competition Bureau expressing what members have said; however, if the feedback is 50-50, Jochum says they will let the Competition Bureau continue reviewing the merger.

For Jochum personally, he feels it won’t be an issue because Viterra and Bunge are direct competitors where he farms in Manitoba, and even if the merger goes ahead, he believes his ability to market grain shouldn’t be impacted.

“There may be areas across Western Canada where a Viterra and a Bunge location are very close and right now have to compete for farmers’ grain, and then after the merger that competition would be gone, so I’m not sure if there’s a lot of areas like that so we just want to find out if there’s a concern among our members.” Jochum added.

He has confidence in the Competition Bureau’s ability to do a thorough review.

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