Canadian Railways Continue to Struggle With Delivering Grain: Ag Transport Coalition

CN and CPKC Rail supplied a combined 85% of hopper cars ordered in grain week 11 matching the performance seen the previous week.

While overall performance was unchanged, this reflects an improvement in performance for CN and a decline in performance for CPKC.

In supplying 89% of hopper cars ordered on time in week 11, CN saw performance improve somewhat from the 86% order fulfillment performance they posted in week 10.

CN performance remains below the 90% performance threshold this week for the seventh consecutive week and for the eighth time in the last nine weeks.

CPKC performance declined in week 11 for the second consecutive week with the railway posting its worst performance of the year thus far with the railway supplying 80% of shipper orders in week 11, down from 83% order fulfillment performance in week 10.

CPKC performance remains below the 90% threshold for the second straight week and the third time in the last four weeks.

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