“Time is Money”: NDP Ag Critic Trent Wotherspoon calls for province and feds to deliver supports for producers facing drought

The Saskatchewan NDP is joining the Saskatchewan Cattlemen’s Association (SCA), Saskatchewan Stock Growers Association (SSGA), and producers in a call for the provincial and federal governments to get supports to the livestock sector as quick as possible.

NDP Agriculture Critic Trent Wotherspoon says he’s had conversations with producers in the southwest and west-central regions of the province, where he says they described the drought conditions there as “a real dire situation.”

“Many are going to be forced out of a livelihood that they’ve known for generations, and that are going to lose their herds,” Wotherspoon said. “We hear many producers saying that they’re going to lose up to 75 percent of their herds, be forced to sell off and we know that that’s a huge hit for any individual rancher or producer.

“We also know that it’s a massive economic loss for the province when you know that’s the reality for producer after producer.” he continued.

Wotherspoon says the provincial and federal governments need to act quickly on supports such as AgriRecovery.

“What we need now is the feds, this provincial government, and that Ag Minister (David Marit) to recognize that time is money, and the risks are real, and they need to lay out what that agreement is going to look like, what that support is going to look like and make it happen.” he said.

Some supports are available to grain and livestock producers, including the Forage Rainfall Insurance Program, doubling of the low yield appraisal threshold, AgriStability, and Livestock Price Insurance.

His comments come after the Saskatchewan Cattlemen’s Association sent a letter to Provincial Agriculture Minister David Marit which details feedback from producers on various programs. Wotherspoon’s comments also come after many Rural Municipalities have declared an agricultural disaster due to drought.

Wotherspoon says Saskatchewan produces some of the highest quality beef in the world, and Saskatchewan and Ottawa need to support those that are making that happen.

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