U.S. crop conditions down due to heat wave: USDA Crop Report

U.S. corn condition fell for the first time in several weeks as intense heat baked much of the country last week.

According to the USDA’s weekly crop progress report, 55% of corn was rated good to excellent, down 2 percentage points from the previous week.

The condition of the U.S. soybean crop also suffered in the heat. 

Soybeans were rated 52% good to excellent, down 2 percentage points from last week. 

USDA reports 80% of the winter wheat crop has been harvested, down about 3 percentage points from the 5 year average. 

The spring wheat harvest is just getting started.

USDA says harvest kicked off last week with 2% of the nation’s crop harvested as of Sunday. That was slightly behind 3% last year and 5% for the five-year average.

USDA said 42% of the spring wheat crop was rated good to excellent, down 7 percentage points from last week.   

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