Concerns Over Drainage Projects in Southeastern Saskatchewan

Landowners in southeastern Saskatchewan are raising concerns about drainage projects they say are flooding people downstream and wrecking roads. 

Project documents show farmers in the Moosomin area have dug channels and ditches to move water out of wetlands and into a nearby creek. 

Downstream landowners say much of this drainage work was done without permits and has flooded fields, washed out roads and caused other issues. 

Some also say they are concerned with the loss of wetlands. 

They believe the Water Security Agency is not taking their concerns seriously. 

A watershed planner who worked on these drainage projects says the goal was to slow the water so people downstream aren’t flooded.  

The Water Security Agency is working on a framework that is to allow drainage in Saskatchewan but in a way that aims to mitigate flooding and retain some wetlands. 

(Canadian Press)

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