Little Change in Chickpea Prices in Short-Term: Analyst

Canadian farmers are in the early stages of planting the country’s next chickpea crop, with market conditions firm for the time being, ahead of new-crop harvests in other countries.

Jake Hansen of Mid-West Grain at Moose Jaw expects the rangebound trend will continue until there’s a better sense of production in Russia and Turkey.

Both countries are major chickpea growers, with harvests that come off before Canada’s.

Turkey typically produces a good-quality chickpea crop, while Russia’s quality can be more hit-or-miss.

India is also a major world player in the world chickpea market, and anecdotal reports point to its recently harvested crop having good yields, but not the best quality.

From a market perspective on the sell side, buyers are waiting to know how many acres went in the ground in Turkey, and what the potential quality is.

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