United Kingdom Reporting Good Rapeseed Crop

The rapeseed crop in the United Kingdom is estimated at 66 per cent good to excellent.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture attaché in London, is forecasting production for 2023-24 to be 1.38 million tonnes.

That would make for a 1.4 per cent increase over the 2022-23 crop.

While the attaché pegged planted and harvest area for 2023-24 at 410,000 hectares — up from last year’s 364,000 — yields were forecast to drop from almost 3.74 tonnes per hectare to nearly 3.37.

Along with the projected output in rapeseed, the attaché estimates the U.K.’s imports of the oilseed at 750,000 tonnes.

Altogether, the country’s total supply was projected to be short of 2.22 million tonnes, 1.6 per cent more than in 2022-23.

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