Canadian Pulse Crop Exports Expected to be Stronger Than Expected

According to updated supply and demand projections from Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Canadian pea, chickpea and edible bean exports will likely beat earlier expectations during the current 2022-23 marketing year.

The stocks-to-use rations for the three crops should also tighten as a result.

In its report Friday, the government agency upped its call for Canadian pea exports in 2022-23 to 2.6 million tonnes, from an estimated 2.5 million in March.

Canadian chickpea export projections for 2022-23 were raised to 225,000 tonnes by AAFC, which compares with 200,000 in March and the 2021-22 level of 176,000.

Edible bean exports for the current marketing year were upped to 340,000 tonnes, from 320,000 in March.

The supply/demand table for lentils was left unchanged, with 2.3 million tonnes of exports expected during the current crop year and only 100,000 tonnes of carryout stocks.

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